Come Holy Spirit: Help Us Forget Who We Are
A Sermon Delivered at Christ Episcopal Church, Eureka, California Pentecost Sunday May 19, 2024 David M. Odorisio, PhD Someday, after...

Reflections on Thomas Merton and Hinduism
Swagatam: A Celebration of India Speed Museum, Louisville, KY November 18, 2021 Om asato mā sad gamaya, tamaso mā jyotir gamaya, mṛtyor...

Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel: Biological God(dess)
This past summer, religious studies scholar Jeffrey Kripal offered the annual symposium in the Mythological Studies program at Pacifica...

“Contemplating Wounds”: The Spiritual Vision of Julian of Norwich
+ Here is a vision shown by the goodness of God to a devout woman, and her name is Julian, who is a recluse at Norwich and still alive,...

Phoenix Force and Feminine Jouissance: Reading Myth in Comic Books and Pop Culture
Interview questions by Devon Deimler, Ph.D.c. Click here for the original post via Pacifica Post You began forming your Joseph Campbell...

To "Stay Open-Eyed in the Terrible Place": Opening Remarks on the Art & Alchemy o
On Monday, August 21st the entirety of North America experienced a partial or total solar eclipse. With its direct path stretching...

Logan: Re-visioning Mutants as Mystics
We are indeed mutants. ~ Jeffrey J. Kripal, “Mutant Marvels” in The Serpent’s Gift: Gnostic Reflections on the Study of Religion I’ve...

Evolving Intellect through Instinct: Rise of the Planet of the Apes
So I'm definitely a latecomer to this party, but I was pretty impressed with Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I feel like it makes some...

Yoga & Psyche
The following is excerpted from an unpublished anthology of personal reflections on the Yoga Sūtras, a project begun via the Kripalu...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, or, Trauma and the Repetition of History
“Forgive me. I feel it again… the call to the light... Show me again, the power of the darkness, and I will let nothing stand in our way....